Welcome to this unique short course on Ethics in Business.  

The significance of cultivating impeccable business ethics across all organizational tiers cannot be overstated, particularly in the aftermath of corporate scandals that have reverberated globally over recent years. The fall out and findings of these serve as a stark testament to the ramifications of compromised ethics, underlining the necessity for unwavering ethical principles upheld by every member of a business.

At its essence, business ethics encompass the guiding values dictating a company's interactions with stakeholders, from clients and employees to the broader community. It goes beyond regulatory compliance, shaping a company's reputation and culture.

In a fresh new way of learning you’ll take a close look at 10 key aspects of Ethics in Business, and why it is simply the right approach to take.

Featuring engaging mini lectures, gamified virtual world challenges and expert avatar panel. This online, self-paced program has an estimated time to complete all aspects of 3.5 hours.

Learning Outcomes

The following topics will be covered by our Business Ethics Avatar expert and coloured with contemporary cases…

  • Introduction to Ethical Decision Making

  • Understanding Managerial Ethics

  • Organizational Values & Cultures: Setting the Tone for Ethics

  • Transparency: Operating with Integrity

  • Building Credibility & Promoting a Positive Image

  • Conflict Management & Resolution

  • Understanding & Addressing Discrimination & Harassment

  • Managing Diversity

  • Setting & Evaluating Goals Related to Ethics

  • Developing & Implementing an Ethics Action Plan